\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "

\n"; }else{ echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "Stop!"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

"; } echo $fsize1; echo "Вы забанены.!
\n"; echo "Вы не можете голосовать!
\n"; echo $fsize2; if ($ver=="wml")echo "

"; else echo "
"; mysql_close($link); exit; } //запрет кп $agent = $HTTP_USER_AGENT; if ($row["posts"]<0) { if (((strpos ($agent,"M3Gate") !== false)||(strpos ($agent,"Opera") !== false)||(strpos ($agent,"emulator") !== false)||(strpos ($agent,"WinWAP") !== false)||(strpos ($agent,"Wapsilon") !== false)||(strpos ($agent,"Mozilla/4.0") !== false)||(strpos ($agent,"M3GATE") !== false))&&($rm!=11)&&($row["level"]<0)) { if ($ver=="wml"){ echo $xml; echo $dtd; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

"; }else{ echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "Стоп!!!"; echo ""; echo "

"; } echo $fsize1; echo "Вход с компа запрещен.!"; echo $fsize2; if ($ver=="wml")echo "

"; else echo "
"; exit; mysql_close($link); } } include('komp.php'); $tm = time()-1200; $userall = mysql_query ("select count(id) as num from users where onl> '".$tm ."';"); $usm = mysql_fetch_array($userall); $num = $usm["num"]; if ($ver=="wml"){ echo $xml; echo $dtd; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; }else{ echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "Онлайне($num)"; echo ""; } switch($mod) { default: if ($ver=="wml")echo "

\n"; else echo "

\n"; print $fsize1; $r = mysql_query ("select count(readd) as num from zapiski WHERE (idtowhom = '".$id."')and(readd = '0')and(ininc = '1');"); $a = mysql_fetch_array($r); $inb = $a["num"]; if($inb != "0") echo "\"NEW\"/Записки:(".$inb.")
\n"; echo ""; echo "Обновить
"; $r = mysql_query ("select count(readd) as num from zapiski WHERE (idwho = '".$id."')and(readd = '0')and(insend = '1')"); $a = mysql_fetch_array($r); $out = $a["num"]; echo "Непрочитанные:(".$out.")
\n"; $tm = time()-1200; $pr_count = @mysql_query("SELECT id,user,inv,level,birth FROM users WHERE onl> '".$tm ."' AND room='letters' group by user order by onl desc;"); $kol = mysql_affected_rows(); for ($k = 0; $k < $kol; $k++) { $pdc = @mysql_fetch_array($pr_count); $user = $pdc["user"]; $nk = $pdc["id"]; $inv = $pdc["inv"]; $lev = $pdc["level"]; $d=date("d-m-"); $y=date("Y"); $birth=$pdc["birth"]; $d1=substr($birth,0,2); $m1=substr($birth,4,2); $y1=substr($birth,6,4); if ($y>$y1) $age=$y-$y1; else $age="(bilinmir)"; if ((!$age)||($age==0)||($age=="")||($age>$y)) $age="(bilinmir)"; else $age="(".$age.")\n"; if ($inv != 1) echo "".$user."".$age.""; else if ($row["level"] > 4) echo "".$user."(i)".$age.""; if (($k+1) != $kol) print ', '; } if($kol>0) echo "
"; unset($pdc); echo $divide; print $fsize1; $tm = time()-1200; $userall = mysql_query ("select count(id) as num from users where onl> '".$tm ."';"); $usm = mysql_fetch_array($userall); $num = $usm["num"]; echo "Знакомстве:($num)
"; $tm = time()-1200; $usersm=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM users where sex='K' and onl> '".$tm ."'")); echo "П: ".$usersm[0]."\n"; echo "|"; $tm = time()-1200; $usersj=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM users where sex='Q' and onl> '".$tm ."'")); echo "Ж: ".$usersj[0]."
\n"; print $fsize2; $tm = time()-1200; $userall = mysql_query ("select count(id) as num from users where onl> '".$tm ."';"); $usm = mysql_fetch_array($userall); $num = $usm["num"]; if(!isset($s))$s=0; $mx=round(($num/10)+0.45); if($s>$mx)$s=$mx; if($s==0)$s=1; $ot=(($s-1)*10)+1; $do=$s*10; if($do>$num)$do=$num; $o=$ot-1; $n=$ot; if($do==0)$n=$o; echo $fsize1; echo $fsize2; $tm = time()-1200; $r = mysql_query ("select id,user,inv,level,birth,sex from users where onl> '".$tm ."' group by user order by onl desc limit $o,$do"); for ($i=$ot;$i<=$do;$i++){ $arr = mysql_fetch_array($r); $login=$arr['user']; $usid=$arr['id']; $inv=$arr['inv']; $level=$arr['level']; $sex=$arr["sex"]; $d=date("d-m-"); $y=date("Y"); $birth=$arr["birth"]; $d1=substr($birth,0,2); $m1=substr($birth,4,2); $y1=substr($birth,6,4); if ($y>$y1) $age=$y-$y1; else $age="(нету)"; if ((!$age)||($age==0)||($age=="")||($age>$y)) $age="(bilinmir)"; else $age="(лет".$age.")\n"; print $fsize1; $msg = str_replace($us.",", "".$us.",", $msg); if((file_exists("anim_niks/".$usid.".gif"))&&$row["resdng"]<1)echo ($i).") \"$login\"/ ".$age." (".$sex.")
"; else{ echo ($i).") ".$login." ".$age." (".$sex.")
"; } print $fsize2; } $next=$s+1; $prev=$s-1; if ($num>$do) { $ot=(($next-1)*10)+1; $do=$next*10; if($do>$num)$do=$num; echo $divide; echo $fsize1; echo ">>$ot-$do>>
\n"; echo $fsize2; } if($s>1) { $ot=(($prev-1)*10)+1; $do=$prev*10; echo $fsize1; echo "<<$ot-$do<<
\n"; echo $fsize2; } break; case 'votes': if ($id==$nk){ if ($ver=="wml")echo "

\n"; else echo "

\n"; echo $fsize1; echo "Вы не можете отценить фотку!
"; print $fsize2; }else{ if ($row["posts"]<50) { if ($ver=="wml")echo "

\n"; else echo "

\n"; echo $fsize1; echo "У вас нету 50 постов для отценки.!"; print $fsize2; }else{ mysql_query ("Select * from golos where user='".$nk."' and who='".$id."'"); if (mysql_affected_rows()!=0){ if ($ver=="wml")echo "

\n"; else echo "

\n"; echo $fsize1; echo "Вы уже отценили.
"; echo $fsize2; } else { $q = mysql_query("select user,votefoto from users where id='".$nk."';"); $data = mysql_fetch_array($q); $counter = $data['votefoto']; $login = $data['user']; $counter2 = $counter+1; mysql_query ("update users set votefoto='".$counter2."' where id='".$nk."';"); mysql_query ("INSERT INTO golos SET user = '".$nk."', who = '".$id."'"); if ($ver=="wml")echo "

\n"; else echo "

\n"; echo $fsize1; echo "Ваша отценка принята!
"; echo $fsize2; mysql_close ($link); } } } break; } print $fsize1; echo $divide; echo "Кто где?
\n"; echo "Письма($inb)
"; echo "Личный Kabinet
"; echo "Поиск
"; echo $divide; echo "Прихожая
\n"; echo $fsize2; echo "
